Common Myths About Standing Desks and the Reality Behind Them


Kristen J. Cline

7/31/20234 min read

Standing desks have gained popularity as a healthier alternative to traditional seated workstations, but they are not immune to myths and misconceptions. In this post, we will debunk common myths surrounding standing desks and provide evidence-based insights into the reality behind them. Whether you're considering adopting a standing desk or already using one, understanding the truth behind these myths is essential for optimizing your work environment and reaping the benefits of this ergonomic solution.

a man front of a computer monitor using standing desk
a man front of a computer monitor using standing desk

Myth #1 - Standing All Day is Better Than Sitting All Day

One of the most prevalent myths is that standing all day is the ideal way to use a standing desk. In reality, both prolonged sitting and excessive standing have potential drawbacks. Studies suggest that alternating between sitting and standing every 30 minutes can be beneficial for reducing the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Finding the right balance and adopting a sit-stand approach throughout the day is the key to maximizing the benefits of a standing desk while minimizing potential discomfort and fatigue.

girl using a computer in a standing desk
girl using a computer in a standing desk

Myth #2 - Standing Desks Lead to Weight Loss

While it's true that standing burns more calories than sitting, the difference is relatively small. Relying solely on a standing desk for weight loss is unrealistic. Sustainable weight management involves a combination of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and incorporating movement throughout the day, whether sitting or standing. A standing desk can complement an active lifestyle, but it is not a magical solution for shedding pounds on its own.

a group of people standing around a classroom
a group of people standing around a classroom

Myth #3 - Standing Desks are Expensive and Difficult to Set Up

Some believe that standing desks are costly investments and challenging to assemble. While it's true that certain high-end models can be pricey, there are also affordable options available that provide quality functionality. Many standing desks come with straightforward assembly instructions, and some even require no assembly at all, as they are ready to use out of the box. Additionally, considering the long-term health benefits and increased productivity they can offer, standing desks are often considered a worthwhile investment.

Myth #4 - Standing Desks Cause Varicose Veins and Joint Pain

It is commonly believed that prolonged standing can lead to varicose veins and joint pain. However, research does not support this claim. Varicose veins are primarily caused by genetic predisposition and lifestyle factors rather than the use of standing desks. As for joint pain, using a standing desk with proper ergonomic adjustments can actually reduce strain on the joints and alleviate discomfort. Investing in an anti-fatigue mat can further provide cushioning and support to minimize the impact on your feet and lower body.

a man standing on a balance ball while using a balance ball
a man standing on a balance ball while using a balance ball

Myth #5 - Standing Desks Negatively Affect Productivity

There's a misconception that standing while working can hinder productivity and focus. On the contrary, many users report increased alertness and improved cognitive function when using a standing desk. The ability to change positions and stay engaged can prevent the lethargy that often accompanies prolonged sitting. However, it's essential to find a balance that works for you, as excessive standing without breaks may lead to fatigue.

Myth #6 - Standing Desks Automatically Improve Posture

While standing desks can encourage better posture, simply having one doesn't guarantee good ergonomics. Proper desk height and monitor placement are crucial factors for maintaining a healthy posture. Ensuring that your standing desk setup aligns with your body's natural alignment will help avoid musculoskeletal issues. Ergonomic accessories like adjustable monitor arms and keyboard trays can also enhance your posture while using a standing desk.

Myth #7 - Standing Desks are Suitable for Everyone

Not everyone will find standing desks suitable for their needs and health conditions. Individuals with specific health concerns, such as circulatory problems or musculoskeletal issues, should consult with a healthcare professional before using a standing desk extensively. Additionally, some people may find that they prefer sitting for certain tasks, such as focused writing or intricate tasks, and that's perfectly acceptable. The key is to find a balance that works best for you and your unique circumstances.

a woman sitting at a desk with a man and a woman
a woman sitting at a desk with a man and a woman


Separating fact from fiction is essential when it comes to standing desks. While they offer numerous benefits for health and productivity, it's crucial to approach their use with a balanced perspective. The reality is that standing desks are a valuable tool for promoting movement and flexibility in the workplace, but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. By understanding and dispelling common myths, you can optimize your standing desk experience and create a healthier, more productive work environment.

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